Well, we all gotta eat, right? And I certainly eat my fair share... But here's the catch, I'm kind of a picky eater (no seafood or mushrooms please). Somewhere along the line my Mom and I came to an understanding: if I didn't want what she was cooking I had better learn to make something myself. This led to getting to know the Domino's delivery guy pretty well, and a keen sense of just how long a package of ramen takes to cook (I know it says 3 minutes on the front. They are about right on that).
Over time my palate and cooking skills have evolved. In particular I was inspired by Iron Chef (remember the kitschy original Japanese version?), I loved watching and learning techniques, tricks, and how to marry flavors. So I sort of emulated them through what I will call "Iron-Style" cooking (though I am much closer to an Iron Porter than Iron Chef).
I don't set time limits, but I do look for new and different ways to use ingredients. I like just seeing what's in the pantry, and see what I can come up with. The problem with this style of cooking is that I often forget good recipes. So, now with The Polymouth I'll be able to chronicle some of the more interesting culinary adventures I go on. I will include some good basic recipes too.
Anyway, try 'em out, tweak them and make them your own. Let me know what you think...